Little By Little

"Little by little, a little becomes a lot."

-Tanzanian proverb

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.  Seems crazy that we're already at the end of February.

I've been doing a lot of self reflection lately.  A kind of self audit, pinpointing what is currently striking a cord and setting some goals for myself.  This has meant both looking back and towards the future.  What I've noticed are the small actions I take daily. It is a desire to learn something, get a little stronger, find more patience and self compassion and look for ways to feel better and experience more joy. These actions are small, sometimes they feel non existent, except for in my mind, but they're always there- no matter how small.

Here's a little reminder to give yourself grace for all the things you do, and to acknowledge that over time, they really add up.

I am so grateful for the time I get to spend with you, in our livestream classes, in class in person and our one on one training.  In big and small ways over time, our actions and work truly make a difference. 


5 Seconds

