Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"Coming together is a beginning; 

keeping together is progress; 

working together is success."

Henry Ford


I hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

This Labor Day, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to do work that truly inspires me—especially because I get to do it with all of you. Our community isn’t just about fitness; it’s about supporting each other to live fuller, healthier, and more vibrant lives.

I hope each of you has work that fulfills you as much as ours does for me. Let’s keep lifting each other up and pushing towards our goals together.

Grateful for every one of you,



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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"If you don’t know where you are going, you might end up someplace else."

-Yogi Berra

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all enjoying a fantastic weekend! I’ve just returned from taking my daughter back to college, and my son starts his sophomore year of high school tomorrow. It’s been a whirlwind of a week, with one more trip lined up at the end of this week. As much as I’m savoring these last moments of summer, I’m craving the calm that comes with settling back into a routine.

This time of year feels like the perfect moment to reset and reestablish healthy habits. My routine naturally takes shape when I think about what I want to focus on and jot down a few essential habits. There's something so empowering about having a routine—it gives us a sense of stability and helps us prioritize what truly matters, like our health and wellness.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection; it’s steady progress. Start with small steps and build from there. Planning my meals and making time to stretch and relax is always a challenge as things get busier. But with a little effort, we can make these habits stick.

I’d love to hear from you! What habits are you looking to bring back into your routine? Shoot me a message with your goals—I’m here to support you!

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind."

-Nelson Mandela

Some thoughts for this week: I am becoming increasingly focused on finding ways to ground myself, and you guessed it, movement takes the top spot.  It's the best way I know to keep a true sense of well-being.  A friend recently suggested a podcast about how exercise can make us happier.  It featured the science behind movement and happiness, including how it allows us to become the best versions of ourselves. It notes the myokines or "hope molecules"  released into our bloodstream when our muscles contract.  Studies have shown that even just a few minutes of movement can lead to a mood boost for two or three hours.  I don't know many people who couldn't benefit from a natural mood boost.  Let's use exercise and our community to infuse hope and increase mood.

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”

– Roy T. Bennett

Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”

– Roy T. Bennett

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend! I'm back from my visit with my family and looking forward to our week of workouts.

First, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for understanding my need to take a couple of days off to visit my dad, who is recovering. My weekend was filled with cherished family moments, and I’m deeply grateful for the progress my dad is making. He could even navigate some grass and a few stairs, allowing him to attend my nephew’s baseball games and celebrate my niece’s birthday and birthday party with us.

One of the most touching moments was hearing my daughter express how much she admires her grandpa. She spoke about his unwavering optimism and positive personality and how these qualities are clearly aiding in his recovery. It's a powerful reminder of the impact of a positive mindset.

Whether we’re overcoming an injury, facing a new challenge, or simply striving to reach our next fitness goal, it’s essential to remember that our potential is limitless. The boundaries we perceive are often self-imposed. We can achieve incredible things by believing in ourselves and maintaining a positive outlook, just as my dad is doing.

Thank you once again for your understanding and continued support. Let’s make this week amazing!

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"More important than training hard... is not to get hurt.  Because if you get hurt, you can't train."-Andrew Huberman

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Mine has been filled with class, training, and plenty of basketball. Navigating parking lots, stairs, hallways, and bleachers, all while watching 15-year-olds run up and down the court, sometimes colliding and limping to the bench with shoulder, knee, and hamstring injuries, has made me reflect on the importance of stability.

Building a solid foundation for movement is crucial for participating in life and avoiding injury. We had several conversations about training in uncomfortable ways to develop habits that enhance our stability. It's during those moments when we're lost in the experience and not actively thinking about our movements that our stability becomes most critical.

As we age, lifting heavier weights is essential for our bone density and overall health, but it's only safe with a strong base of effective movement patterns. The work we do in the morning sets the stage for everything else we do throughout the day and beyond. On weight days, continue to push yourself with the weights where you feel confident, and focus on stability exercises with lighter weights, gradually building strength. Pay attention to where you feel the movement in your body, and let that guide your focus for those 30 minutes.



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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"Do ordinary things with extraordinary love."

-Mother Teresa

I hope you are having a great weekend!  With Valentine's Day approaching, I've been thinking a lot about the ways in which love shows up in our lives.  The whole concept of Space Love Strength, literally centers around love, so I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's at the core of everything meaningful.  And while Valentine's Day tends to focus on grand gestures and gifts, I think it's in our ordinary, daily activities and interactions that create the opportunity to 

generate deep love. The time we spend together, working out, dancing, sweating and laughing is a perfect example. And from that place, we are able to both cultivate real love and compassion for ourselves and be able to give and share that love with others. 

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”

-Sean Patrick Flanery

Continuing our focus on living life to the fullest. Here's a little reminder that today's actions shape how we age, both physically and mentally.

By prioritizing and pushing ourselves, we have the opportunity, as we get older, to have a ease of movement that we take for granted today.  Utilizing strength training to maintain our muscle mass, cardiovascular training to maintain our heart health and stability training to both protect our bodies from injury and create new neural pathways

Every workout, every effort, is an investment in our future well-being. Together, let's keep pushing forward, grateful for the chance to live our lives fully. Here's to another week of action and wellness!  

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"Exercise is by far the most potent longevity "drug."  No other intervention does nearly as much to prolong our lifespan and preserve our cognitive, and physical function."

-Dr. Peter Attia

I've been doing a lot of self reflection lately and it's been sparked by the book "Outlive" by Dr. Peter Attia.  The current shift in medicine and the focus and approach around being proactive is super exciting.  Planning and committing to making small changes can really make a meaningful difference in the way we live. I'm so grateful to have so many extraordinary people in my life, and it's always important to show up as your best self for them. Reflecting on how to do this, the essence of being thoughtful and present resonates profoundly.  In revisiting my wellness routines, I'm wholeheartedly dedicating myself to heightened levels of thoughtfulness and presence in my approach to exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Would love to know your thoughts on this and can't wait to work out with you this week!

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss

5 Seconds

"The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move or your brain will stop you.”

Mel Robbins

I use this strategy often. As an introvert, my natural bias is to hold back. However, when I act and let my feelings follow, 99% of the time, I feel really good! For instance, I'm not really a morning person, so when the alarm goes off, I count backward from 5, get out of bed, stretch and drink a glass of water and start my day.  When I see your faces and get moving, I feel so much better and my day gets off on the right foot. I hope making the decision to meet me in the morning brings you joy the way it does for me.

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss

Little By Little

"Little by little, a little becomes a lot."

-Tanzanian proverb

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.  Seems crazy that we're already at the end of February.

I've been doing a lot of self reflection lately.  A kind of self audit, pinpointing what is currently striking a cord and setting some goals for myself.  This has meant both looking back and towards the future.  What I've noticed are the small actions I take daily. It is a desire to learn something, get a little stronger, find more patience and self compassion and look for ways to feel better and experience more joy. These actions are small, sometimes they feel non existent, except for in my mind, but they're always there- no matter how small.

Here's a little reminder to give yourself grace for all the things you do, and to acknowledge that over time, they really add up.

I am so grateful for the time I get to spend with you, in our livestream classes, in class in person and our one on one training.  In big and small ways over time, our actions and work truly make a difference. 

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Allyson Weiss Allyson Weiss


"Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it."

-Barack Obama

"Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it."

-Barack Obama

Hoping you all are having a good weekend! I'm thinking about how each day we have an opportunity to keep growing and learning.  As we approach President's Day, I wanted to channel some of President Obama's thoughts on hope.  To keep evolving and striving for better lives takes courage, work and determination - courage to set goals, work to achieve those goals and determination to continually fight to maintain those goals.  Hope is also found in the actions that represent the kind of person we aspire to become, to put actions and experiences in our day that piece by piece create the life and world we want to have.  

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